One of our choices, early on as a company, was that we didn’t want ten different types of Parmesan in house. We wanted to find just one cheese, that hit that perfect point where the cheese was special and anything lesser wouldn’t do, but was affordable enough that anything more specialized and expensive was better left to retail shops. We wanted a Parm that was going to taste awesome on handmade pasta, but hold it’s own on a cheese plate, and we found one that we love, and 18-month aged Parmesan-Reggiano that is nutty and sharp with some nice crunchy tyrosine crystals. Oh yeah.
So what about when you need a cheaper alternative? Rather than also bringing in cheaper, lesser Parms that we weren’t pumped about, we picked some stylistically similar cheeses–like Grana Padano and Sarvecchio–that aren’t Parmesan AOC (and therefore don’t fetch the same price) but are excellent in their own right. That way, we have things to offer, for every occasion and price point, that we stand behind and are excited to eat. This philosophy extends to some other cheeses commonly used to cook with, like Gruyere, Comte, and Fontina. We decided that we’d rather have a great house style then to try and be all things to all people.
The other big focus of our cheese program are cheeses that you wouldn’t necessarily be cooking with on the regular (although you might sometimes.) These cheeses are typically brought in based on conversations Tomas has with chefs and then cheesemongers to find really unique stuff that’s more likely to either stand on it’s own (cheese plate) or be the star or best supporting actor on a dish (salad, house-made burger). Then, we might have a deeper bench: check out our collection of blue cheeses to see what we mean.
New England
- Cobb Hill, Ascutney Mtn, VT. Cow.
- Chin Clip, Mt. Mansfield, VT. Cow.
- Coomersdale, Bonneview, VT. Cow.
- Dorset, Consider Bardwell, VT. Cow.
- Fiddlehead Tomme, Boggy Meadow, VT, Cow.
- Forerunner, Mt. Mansfield, VT, Cow.
- Kinsman’s Ridge, Jasper Hill, VT, Cow.
- Landaff, Jasper Hill, VT, Cow.
- Ledyard, Meadowood Farms, NY, Sheep.
- Lake’s Edge, Blue Ledge, VT, Goat.
- Olga, Seal Cove, ME, Cow & Goat.
- Oma, Jasper Hill Cellars, Von Trapp Family, VT, Cow.
- Melinda Mae, Mystic Cheese Co, CT, Cow.
- Organic Triple Creme, Champlain Valley Creamery, VT, Cow.
- Brillat Savarin, FR, Cow.
- Comte, FR, Cow.
- Epoisses de Bourgogne, FR, Cow.
- Ossau-Iraty, FR (Basque), Sheep.
- Pierre Robert, FR, Cow.
- St. Andre, FR, Cow.
- Fontina Valle d’Aosta, IT, Cow. The real Fontina.
- La Tur, IT, Cow, Goat & Sheep.
- Robiola due latte, IT, Cow & Sheep.
- Sottocenere (w/ Truffles), IT, Cow.
- Taleggio IT, Cow.
- Ubriaco alla Birra Rossa, IT, Cow.
- Garrotxa, SP, Goat.
- Idiazabal, SP (Basque), Sheep.
- Manchego, SP, Sheep.
- Mahon, SP, Cow.
- Parmesan & Friends
- Grana Padano, IT, Cow.
- Parmesan-Reggiano, IT, Cow
- Sarvecchio, Wisconsin, Cow.
- Pecorino Romano, Locatelli, IT, Sheep.
- Pecorino Romano, IT, Sheep.
- Pecorino Toscano, IT, Sheep.
- Piave, IT, Cow.
- Gouda Pradera, Dutch, Cow.
- Dry Jack, Vella Cheese Co, CA, Cow.
- Alehouse Cheddar, VT Farmstead, VT, Cow.
- Cabot Cheddar, White, in Mild, Sharp, or Extra Sharp, VT, Cow.
- Cabot Clothbound Cheddar, Jasper Hill, VT, Cow.
- Grafton 2-year Cheddar, Grafton, VT. Cow.
- Shelburne Farms 2-year Cheddar, VT, Cow.
- Cheddar Curds, Maplebrook Farm, VT, Cow.
- Bayley Hazen Blue, Jasper Hill, VT, Cow.
- Buttermilk Blue, Emmi-Roth, WI, Cow.
- Berkshire Blue, Berkshire Cheese Co., MA, Cow.
- Cashel Blue, IR, Cow.
- Fourme d’Ambert, FR, Cow.
- Gorgonzola Dolce, IT, Cow.
- Gorgonzola Piccante, IT, Cow.
- Great Hill Blue, MA, Cow.
- Maytag Blue, IA, Cow.
- Middlebury Blue, Blue Ledge, VT, Cow.
- Mossend Blue, Bonneview, VT, Sheep.
- Point Reyes Original Blue, CA, Cow.
- Roquefort, FR, Sheep.
- Shropshire, UK, Cow.
- Fresh White Cheeses
- Burrata, Maplebrook Farms, VT, Cow.
- Stracciatella, Maplebrook Farms, VT, Cow.
- Mozzarella Curds, Maplebrook Farms, VT, Cow.
- Mozzarella di Bufala, Cilento, IT, Buffallo.
- Ricotta, Hand-Packed, Calabro, CT, Cow.
- Ricotta Salata, US, Cow.
- Goat Cheese, Laura Chenel, CA, Goat.
- Goat Cheese, Vermont Creamery, VT, Goat.
- Goat Cheese, Boucheron, FR, Goat.
- Feta, Olympiana, GR, Sheep.
- Feta, VT Creamery, VT, Goat.
- Feta, Valbreso, FR, Sheep.
- Cotija, Don Ricardo, MX, Cow.
- Oaxaca, MX, Cow.
- Tetilla, SP, Cow.
- Halloumi, Shepherds of Cyprus, GR, Sheep & Goat.
- Sfela, GR, Sheep.