Heirloom Citrus & Native Roots

Fresh Yuzu.  County Line Heirloom Chicories.  Baby Purple Brussels Sprouts.

Rising C Ranch heirloom citrus has started up, and we have fresh Buddha Hands, Yuzu, and Satsuma Tangerines.  Equinox Mesclun greens are temporarily gapping as the new hothouse crop gets underway, we hope to have a new arrival Tuesday.  New England roots are going strong, including Chantaney Carrots, Yellow Kimbe Carrots, Purple Dragon Carrots, Celery Root, Salsify, Macomber Turnips, baby Hakurei Turnips, Black and Watermelon Radishes, Green and Purple Daikon, and both Red and Regular Organic Sunchokes.  We also have some really flavorful, deep-red Maine Cranberries.

Rising C Ranch

Buddha Hands

Owari Satsuma Tangerines

Fresh Yuzu

Now In

Scott Farm Apple Orchard- Dummerston, VT


Lady Apples

Roxbury Russets

Northern Spy


Rhode Island Greening


County Line Harvest- Petaluma, CA

Baby Mixed Heirloom Chicories

Crossroads Farm- Jonesport, ME

Organic Sunchokes

Eric Buisset- Rieux-en-Cambresis, France


Green Sunshine Farm- Hodgdon, ME

Chantenay Carrots

Yellow Sun Carrots

Purple Haze Carrots

Russian Banana Fingerlings

German Butterball Potatoes

Sparrow Arc Farm- Copake, NY

Watermelon Radish

Purple Boar Radish

Green Daikon

Black Radish

Four Town Farm- Seekonk, MA

Macomber Turnips

Equinox Farm- Sheffield, MA

Native Mesclun: gapping–expected back Tuesday 12/5

Ward’s Farm- Sharon, MA

Long Island Cheese Pumpkin

Georgia Candy Roaster

Rouge Vif d’Etampes

Uchiki Red Kuri Squash

Sugar Pumpkins

Delicata Squash

Honeynut Squash (Mini Butternut)

Sugar Hill Farm- Columbia, ME

Maine Heirloom Cranberries

Also In Season

Fuyu Persimmons

Baby Purple Brussels Sprouts

Baby Brussels Sprouts

Australian Blood Oranges

New Zealand Meyer Lemons

California Kumquats

Fresh American Chestnuts

Cold Hollow Vermont Apple Cider

Black Trumpet Mushrooms

 Fresh Oregon Matsutake

Fresh Oregon Chantarelles

Comice Pears

Sekel Pears

Frog Hollow Warren Pears

California Quince


By Diegolandia